Wednesday, April 2, 2008


A simple breaking down of the word quickly disproves the concept of reincarnation.

"re" means "again" which implies time.

"incarnation" means "embodiment" which implies space.

Physics has proven that time and space are illusions.

Furthermore, reincarnation implies that there is separation, which blows the "oneness" theory that most of those that tend to believe in reincarnation usually also believe.

How could one come back as a butterfly if nothing is not the butterfly?

The short story is that all there is—is all there isn't. And, all there isn't—is all there is.


carolevazzz said...

does that mean that the butterfly is everything? And then...what does that mean?

Klara Kazmi aka Lala Kazoo said...

Hahaha love it :)